What is money as per a common man


What is Money

The question is - What is money? So first you ask yourself - What is money?
What answer you got?

90% of the people don't have any proper answer.

Some people have an answer. They answered that this currency, this paper currency is money.

So are you working hard to get some of these paper pieces that you call money.
The answer is NO. is it?

That thought process must to be changed. That perspective should be changed.

So I tried to understand this money. This proces of making money. The mind set or thought current about money inside a common man like me.

some indian currency of 500 and 2000

How to become wealthy or what is wealth? Is there any difference between money and wealth?

That's what I'm sharing here with you.

My name is Ashlin Dennis. Welcome to my crazy thoughts and ideas about money and making money.

What I found in my research

After searching and asking some peoples about money and wealth I then googled it.

I simply googled about - what is money?

There also the answer is some thing that we humans use inorder to exchange goods or service.

That is money. But, I'm not satisfied with that. That's just a definition about money. right?

We don't need definitions in words. What we need really is to break the lock inside our brain, our thoughts, our belifs, our mindset and attitude, our way of approaching money.

If that thought process start to change, then the picture like that currency image about money fed in your brain will start changing.

The real effective money will not be then like what was in the past.

What must be money as per my findings

So, what I came to know about money is not just some bank balance or investment.

As per my understanding the way of accumulating wealth is money. Is it?

Wealth in my words is, If your existing money start to work and make more and more money by itself.

That's what wealth means to me.

What's your opinion about my understanding.

Is it foolishness or what?

Once more, Wealth should be like if you and your children's and the next generation also are enjoying their life, life means luxurious life without any worries and still the money is growing.

Do you have your own home?

That's wealth.

Setup Your Money

So our goal must be to reach that goal. To reach the wealthy habits.

But, a daily wage worker or for one who's working for a pay check won't be able to reach there.

In some cases it must be impossible for them.

For that the mindset and attitude must be changed first.

For eg: I was working for a pay check once.

I've being running a shop for some years.

But now, it changed.

My total attitude has changed and I can see changes in my life.

What else changed

It must be changed in order to keep something for my childrens and their childerns and so on.

More than that we must be able to create something valuable for our world. For the people around us.

I must be able to do that and the result that I'll get from that is actually money.

That must be in huge amount that you can't even count exactly howmuch money you'll get.

That is money and that endless income level we can say is wealth.

No one can become wealthy over night. A person like me was not able to make it overnight.

It takes a lot of effort, hardwork, long term vision, setting goals in the beginning and patience.

So if you start from today the changes will become visible after 6 months or so.

For some people it takes years. So if someone ask you what is money, then the answer must not be that like some currency or a certain amount of money in your bank account.

As I told you earlier, Money is some thing that help us acheive our dreams and needs without thinking about the amount of money.

You must be able to buy what you need or must be able to say yes to what you need to acheive.

That is money as per my concern. If you've reached that mindset, that attitude towards money. 

Then you are rich.

You'll become wealthy in future.

Get started now

To start your venture you can accumulate money through shares, investers or some loans etc.

And by that you must be able to clear all those in a short period of time with your effort and mindset. You'll become wealthier.

A person who holds the money is not a wealthy person.

A person who has a cash flow is or will be wealty once.

So that is money as per my understanding that I'm sharing with you.

I'll really appreciate your suggessions.

You know something? I earn money while you are reading this here. What to know how? Come here


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